Sorbact ® absorption dressing


Sorbact® absorption dressing


  • • Bacteria and fungi binding absorption dressing.
  • • For moderately to heavily exuding wounds.
  • Nałożyć opatrunek tak, aby zielona strona dotykała bezpośrednio powierzchni • Apply the green side directly onto the wound surface. Secure with suitable fixation.

Sorbact® absorption dressing is available in three different sizes:

  • 7 x 9 cm (2,8 x 3,5 in)
  • 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 in)
  • 10 x 20 cm (4 x 8 in)

Sorbact®absorption dressings are available in pharmacies and in online store (with no reimbursement).

Buy Sorbact®Absorption dressing online.